Monday, July 14, 2008

One Tough Day!

One of the toughest moments of my life occurred on Thursday July 10, 2008. During the early evening hours my partner and I backed on to an in-progress vehicle chase. Just as we were arriving on scene, the vehicle chase turned into a foot pursuit. Gun fire was exchanged and in the aftermath, a friend of mine, a fellow police officer, was severely wounded. What followed was a series of mixed emotions. In just a brief period time I was angry, sad, lost, frustrated, proud, and even felt like giving up. Still, one of the things bothering me is the the fact that I could have been the person shot. As police officers, we have vehicle chases and foot pursuits all the time, they're a part of our job. That being said, and contrary to popular belief, police officers don't get paid to get hurt! That is why it hurts so much when one of our own is injured in the line of duty. As I stated before I actually backed on to this run while it was still a car chase and at the time shots were fired I was on foot chasing this suspect as well. It could have been me! After all was said and done, all I could do was thank God for his protection. This wasn't the only time that God had seen me through a tough situation, there have been others many others. And with his grace and mercy upon me, there will be many more. So as my friend and fellow brother in blue lay in a hospital bed fighting for his life, I pray that God will see him through his tough situation! Until next time, later and God bless.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I live in Carmel and just came across your blog. It's very interesting. You will have many stories worth reading, I'm sure. I will be praying for you and your family.